Over the last few weeks, I’ve been installing Kim on a few different machines to run within LAMMPS. On the first install in late Aug, I was able to perform “add-”. However, installs this week (Sep 8) I’ve been getting the following error.
$:> make add-EAM_Dynamo__MD_120291908751_001
Creating… KIM_Config file… src/Makefile.KIM_Config.
Creating… KIM_Config file… src/utils/Makefile.KIM_Config.
Creating… KIM_Config file… src/model_drivers/Makefile.KIM_Config.
Creating… KIM_Config file… src/models/Makefile.KIM_Config.
Creating… KIM_Config file… examples/Makefile.KIM_Config.
Creating… KIM_Config file… examples/models/Makefile.KIM_Config.
Creating… KIM_Config file… examples/model_drivers/Makefile.KIM_Config.
Creating… User Config file… /u/scoleman/OpenKim/kim-api-v1.6.3/.kim-api/config-v1.
Creating… KIM_Config_Helper file… examples/openkim_tests/Makefile.KIM_Config_Helper.
Creating… KIM_Config_Helper file… examples/simulators/Makefile.KIM_Config_Helper.
- adding… EAM_Dynamo__MD_120291908751_001 … to /u/scoleman/OpenKim/kim-api-v1.6.3/src/model_drivers
Unable to download EAM_Dynamo__MD_120291908751_001 from https://openkim.org. Check the KIM Item ID for errors.
make: *** [add-EAM_Dynamo__MD_120291908751_001] Error 1
I’m able to get around this error by copying the models and model drivers to the new machines, but just wanted to see if there was something I may have been doing incorrectly or if there was something going on with openkim.org.