error -- add-<Extended KIM ID>

Over the last few weeks, I’ve been installing Kim on a few different machines to run within LAMMPS. On the first install in late Aug, I was able to perform “add-”. However, installs this week (Sep 8) I’ve been getting the following error.

$:> make add-EAM_Dynamo__MD_120291908751_001
Creating… KIM_Config file… src/Makefile.KIM_Config.
Creating… KIM_Config file… src/utils/Makefile.KIM_Config.
Creating… KIM_Config file… src/model_drivers/Makefile.KIM_Config.
Creating… KIM_Config file… src/models/Makefile.KIM_Config.
Creating… KIM_Config file… examples/Makefile.KIM_Config.
Creating… KIM_Config file… examples/models/Makefile.KIM_Config.
Creating… KIM_Config file… examples/model_drivers/Makefile.KIM_Config.
Creating… User Config file… /u/scoleman/OpenKim/kim-api-v1.6.3/.kim-api/config-v1.
Creating… KIM_Config_Helper file… examples/openkim_tests/Makefile.KIM_Config_Helper.
Creating… KIM_Config_Helper file… examples/simulators/Makefile.KIM_Config_Helper.

  • adding… EAM_Dynamo__MD_120291908751_001 … to /u/scoleman/OpenKim/kim-api-v1.6.3/src/model_drivers
    Unable to download EAM_Dynamo__MD_120291908751_001 from Check the KIM Item ID for errors.
    make: *** [add-EAM_Dynamo__MD_120291908751_001] Error 1

I’m able to get around this error by copying the models and model drivers to the new machines, but just wanted to see if there was something I may have been doing incorrectly or if there was something going on with



Hi Shawn,

Thanks for the error report. We have recently rebuilt our web server and it appears something in that process has stalled the download links. We'll get right on this to fix it.




It should be working again.

Let us know if you have further problems!

