Hi, everyone.
I tried to install KIM-API v1.6.3 to use Dipole_Umeno_YSZ__MO_394669891912_001 in Ubuntu 20.04.
In the installing process of ITEM 3 in the INSTALL manual, I failed to download a Model Driver with ‘make add-‘ command. Similarly I failed to download a Model file.
Below are the error messages;
$ make add-EAM_Dynamo__MD_120291908751_001
Creating… KIM_Config file… src/Makefile.KIM_Config.
Creating… KIM_Config file… src/utils/Makefile.KIM_Config.
Creating… KIM_Config file… src/model_drivers/Makefile.KIM_Config.
Creating… KIM_Config file… src/models/Makefile.KIM_Config.
Creating… KIM_Config file… examples/Makefile.KIM_Config.
Creating… KIM_Config file… examples/models/Makefile.KIM_Config.
Creating… KIM_Config file… examples/model_drivers/Makefile.KIM_Config.
Creating… KIM_Config_Helper file… examples/openkim_tests/Makefile.KIM_Config_Helper.
Creating… KIM_Config_Helper file… examples/simulators/Makefile.KIM_Config_Helper.
- adding… EAM_Dynamo__MD_120291908751_001 … to /home/phys/kim-api-v1.6.3/src/model_drivers
Unable to download EAM_Dynamo__MD_120291908751_001 from https://openkim.org. Check the KIM Item ID for errors.
make: *** [Makefile:194: add-EAM_Dynamo__MD_120291908751_001] Error 1
Searching this forum, I found an topic with similar situation(error -- add-<Extended KIM ID>). I wonder whether my problem is related to some bugs like this topic, or my wrong operation. I am new to linux, so I might have done something inappropriate in the process(I could install KIM-API v1.9.5 and 2.1.3 with the same PC).
Could anyone give some advices on what I should do to get over the problem?
Thank you for reading this.