How to convert comb3 potential unit from metal to real?

Dear all,
I am using LAMMPS to simulate the interaction between Cu2O and polymer. My LAMMPS version is LAMMPS (15 Jun 2023). I wish to empoly comb3 for Cu2O and PCFF for polymer. I meet a error:Reading COMB3 potential file ffield.comb3 with DATE: 2014-02-01
ERROR on proc 0: COMB3 potential file ffield.comb3 requires metal units but real units are in use (…/potential_file_reader.cpp:283). How can I address this error? I noticed that Maska14 have asked a similar question about " How to convert tersoff potential unit from metal to real.(How to convert tersoff potential unit from metal to real). CanLAMMPS automatically conver it for me? Is there a convered ffield.comb3 and lib.comb3?
Best regards


It will be easier to convert the PCFF parameters to metal units.

Thanks so much for your guide. I am trying to convert the PCFF parameters to metal units now.