Publishing failed with Process "publish_upload failed: process failed due to worker lost: Worker exited prematurely: signal 9 (SIGKILL) Job: 543."

This was upload id Trying to publish again resulted in Cannot publish an upload that failed processing. (400). Later I edited some metadata and I tried to publish yet again but that resulted into: Process publish_upload failed: AssertionError: Cannot pack an upload that is packed, or packing.

I uploaded the same file for the second time and publishing runs into the same problem: so this seems to be reproducible.

I’m looking for some options, as I’m a bit pressed by a coworker who wants to submit a manuscript on Monday (its obviously my fault for doing this so late, but I have to say I was getting used to reasonably stable NOMAD Archive and since the upload is just some standard VASP, OpenMX and LOBSTER stuff I was not expecting any issues :wink: ).

There was a misconfiguration with the latest release. The worker responsible for doing the publishing had to little memory available and was reproducibly killed while building a combined archive. I fixed this. We are sorry for the causes problems and delays.

I published the origin upload 7e0d29mwR7KSW2RE-6-_NQ now. Your previous publish indicated that you did not wanted to assign an embargo. Let me know if this assumption was wrong. I also cleared the state of the second upload FARsLojsQ_eWt1DC4HenHg, you should be able to delete this upload yourself, if you wish to do so.

Let us know if there is still something wrong.

Thanks @mscheidgen for the quick fix, everything is OK now.

BTW should I cite something when using NOMAD Archive? I obviously link to my datasets at NOMAD but in the past I was not citing anything about NOMAD (NOMAD Archive terms of use doesn’t mention anything), there are 10.1088/2515-7639/ab13bb or 10.1557/mrs.2018.208 but that looks just like some general paper from the professor Draxl (I was looking for something more about the techical side where the authors would include guys like @ladinesa or @laurih who helped me lot in the past so I could give a bit back by proper citation of the relevant work) is there something you guys would like to be cited :smile: ?

We are currently preparing a JOSS paper that will credit all the developers. Once its published it will be listed here as well.

After this, we also plan a more in depth paper on the technology and inner workings. But this will require us to find some time.