Web site structure search results table shows wrong # of sites

I was looking for TiO2 structures, and I found the following into for tetragonal structures in the overview table:

(note the number of sites for the two tetragonal structures, mp-390 and m-2657)

Now, when I check mp-390 (# sites 6) and mp-2657 (# sites 12) I get

12 sites for mp-390, and

6 sites for mp-2657

I assume the overview table is being generated from the underlying data, so I can’t imagine how this is happening, but it looks like a bug.

@noam.bernstein thanks for reaching out. I think this forum post should answer your question.

I don’t think it does. First, that forum post is mostly about consistency between the web interface and the API, and I think that consistency between two web interface views is a lot more important.

Second, I can see how one view providing the conventional cell and the other the primitive cell would lead to different site numbers, but I was under the impression that the conventional cell is always >= the primitive cell. If one of those views (table vs. individual structure) was primitive and the other conventional, the conventional # sites should always be >= the primitive number. But in my example in one case the structure view is >, and in the other it’s <. I can’t think of any consistent rule as to what each view is showing that would lead to those values. If there is such a rule, could you explain it?

Yes, you’re right. Good catch! We’re investigating and will get back to you.

@noam.bernstein it turns out that this is indeed an issue with our current database version. It will be fixed with our (imminent) upcoming database release. Thank you for your patience.

Thread closed due to inactivity, please open a new thread to address related issues.